hundred and thirty-one, chapter two hundred and twenty-
three, entitled, "A further additional supplement to an act,
entitled, An act for draining a Marsh and Branch, known
by the name of Long Marsh, lying in Queen Anne's and
Caroline counties, passed at November session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-nine, chapter fifteen," as relates to the
lands of Stephen J. Bradley of Caroline county, be, and
the same is hereby repealed and made void.
CHAP. 90.
An act to divorce Mary E. Bond, of the City of Baltimore,
from her husband William B. Bond.
Passed Feb. 25, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Mary E. Bond be, and she is hereby divorced from
bed, board, and mutual cohabitation, with her husband Wil-
liam B. Bond; and that the said Mary E. Bond shall have
and exercise all the rights, privileges and immunities, and
Divorce granted.
be subject to all the legal responsibilities of a feme sole;
Provided always, That neither the said Mary E. Bond or
William B. Bond, shall contract marriage during the life
time of each other, and that the said -William B. Bond
shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the said Mary E.
Bond, be in any manner entitled to, or authorized to have
or claim any right, title, or interest in the estate, real, per-
sonal, or mixed, which may hereafter be acquired by the
said Mary E. Bond, nor shall the said Mary E. Bond be in
any manner entitled to have or claim any right, title, or in-
terest, in the estate, real, personal, or mixed, of the said
William B. Bond, which maybe acquired after the passage
of this act; and that neither the said William B. Bond, nor
the said Mary E. Bond, shall be liable for any debt that
may be hereafter contracted by the other.
An act to Incorporate the Central Savings Institution of Bal-
Passed Feb. 25, 1833
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Victer Valette, James M. Anderson, Al-
Persons incorpora-