CHAP. 255.
Mayor and City
Council authorised
to ascertain dama-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That full power and author-
ity is hereby given to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, to provide by ordinance for the ascertainment of the
damages that may accrue to the holders of property in that
vicinity, and the payment of the said damages by the hol-
made a lien
ders of property in that vicinity which may be benefitted,
by opening the said Pine street, South of Baltimore street,
the amounts to be paid and received, to be regulated equi-
tably, according to the proportions of damage or benefit
to the said parties respectively.
Ratifications re-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this
act, shall be of no force or effect, unless approved by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, at the present or
next annual session.
Public notice re-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That before the said Mayor
and City Council shall pass any ordinance or resolution ap-
proving the provisions of this act, they shall first give pub-
lic notice of the application which may be made for the
purpose, by advertisements inserted for one week, in all
the daily papers of the said city, the expenses of which
advertisements shall be paid by the party or parties making
the said application.
Passed Mar. 10,1833
An act for the reliej of Benjamin Wilson, of Queen Ann's
Deed, &c., made
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deeds heretofore given to the said Benjamin
Wilson, by William Glanville and Sarah his wife, and
William Primrose, and John T. Deford, and William Glan-
ville and wife, and Joseph M. Deford, and John T. Deford,
be good and valid to all intents and purposes, and the title
vested in the said Benjamin Wilson, in as full and ample
a manner, as if the commissioners, who were appointed by
Queen Ann's County Court to divide said land, for which
the deeds were given, had assigned to each his part in
severally; Provided, that the rights of third persons are
hereby protected.