CHAP. 55.
Are act to authorise and require the Levy Courts of Somerset
and Dorchester Counties, respectively, to levy annually a
sum of money, to be paid to the President and Directors of
the Nanticoke Bridge Company, for the privilege to the
residents of said counties, of passing the Bridge over the
Nanticoke River, at Vienna, without paying tolls.
Passed Feb. 7, 1835
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Levy Courts of Somerset and Dorchester
counties, be, and they are hereby respectively authorised and
required to levy annually upon the assessable property of
the said counties, respectively, the sum of two hundred and
Levy directed
fifty dollars, current money, for each county, which sum
shall be paid to the President and Directors of the Nanti-
coke Bridge Company, or to their order, by the respective
collectors of the said counties, in such manner, and at such
times, as other public monies are payable.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That, in consideration of the
said sums of two hundred and fifty dollars, so as aforesaid
to be annually levied and paid by each of the said counties,
to the said president and directors, it shall be the duty of
the said president and directors, and their agent or agents,
employed by them to collect toll, to permit all persons, resi-
dent in Somerset and Dorchester counties, with their horses,
carriages, or other vehicles, together with their cattle, sheep,
and hogs, to pass over the bridge across the Nanticoke
river, at Vienna, without demanding or receiving therefor,
from any resident or residents of the aforesaid counties, any
Exemption from
toll whatever; Provided, that nothing contained in this act,
shall be construed to exempt any non resident of the said
counties from being liable to pay the toll now demandable
by law, although he may be travelling with the horse, or in
a carriage or other vehicle of a resident of either of the
said counties; and provided also, that nothing in this act
shall be construed to exempt any horse, carriage, or other
vehicle, carrying the United States mail, from the toll now
demanded by law.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever the said
Bridge shall be undergoing repairs, or shall be impassable
from any cause, it shall be the duty of the said President
and Directors to provide a good and substantial boat, and
sufficient hands, and to keep a ferry, for the time being,
Case of repairing.