CHAP. 52.
under whose administration the excess occurred, shall, in
the event of the corporation failing to pay, be liable, in
their individual capacities, for all deficiencies, saving,
however, from all such liability, such of the Directors as
shall make it appear that they did not assent to the con-
tracting of any debts, or to any acts, whereby such excess
shall have been created
General meeting-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, Tint the stockholders, at any
general meeting, or at any special meeting called in such
manner as the by laws shall provide, at which the holders
of a majority of the whole number of shares of stock shall
be present, or represented, shall have power to alter or re-
peal any by laws made by the President and Directors, and
also to make such new ty lawn, rules, and regulations, as
the holders of a majority of the whole number of shares of
the stock shall assent to, which shall be binding on the
President and Directors, Provided, that such by laws shall
not be contrary to any of the provisions of this charter, or
to the laws of this State, or of the United States
Rights reserved
Sec 9. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con
tamed, shall be construed to restrict the right of the Legis-
lature, which is hereby reserved in its fullest extent, to im-
pose, from time to time, and at ail times hereafter, and levy
such tax, by license or otherwise, upon all property, estate,
and funds, in which the capital stock of said Company,
hereby incorporated, shall be invested, in common with si-
milar property, estate, or funds, of any other company, cor-
poration, or individuals of this State
Banking forbid
Sec. 10 And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained, shall be taken or construed, so as to authorise the
said Company to establish a Banking Institution, nor to
issue any negotiable note, or note payable to bearer, or note
in the nature of a bank note, or to use their funds, or any
part thereof, in any Banking transaction, or in the purchase
of any Bank stock, or in the purchase of any public stock
whatever, or for any other purposes than those specified m
this act
Sec 11 And be it enacted, That this act shall be and
continue in force, until the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and fifty five, and until the end of the next session
of the General Assembly, which shall happen thereafter