CHAP. 53.
across the Nanticoke, at the said town of Vienna, and to
transport across the said river, at the place aforesaid, any
resident or residents of the said counties, with their horses
and carriages, who may desire to cross the said river, with-
out demanding or receiving any additional compensation
therefor; and if the said President and Directors shall wil-
fully neglect or fail to provide a boat and hands, as afore-
said, and shall, by any such neglect or failure, unnecessarily
delay any resident of the said counties, wishing to cross
Penalty for neglect
said river, as aforesaid, the said President and directors, for
teach and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum
of thirty dollars, to be recovered by action of debt before
a single justice of the peace of either of the counties afore-
said, one half for the use of the person who shall sue for
the same, the other half to be collected by the justice who
shall render the judgment, and to be paid over to the Levy
Court of the county where the said justice shall reside, for
the use of the county; and the said President and Direc-
tor's may also be presented for any and every such offence,
by the Grand Jury of either of the aforesaid counties, and
fined a sum not exceeding forty dollars, in the discretion of
the court.
Assent required
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall have no
force or effect, until the President and directors aforesaid,
shall have filed their assent and agreement to the provisions
of this act, with the Levy Courts of the said counties re-
spectively, which assent and agreement shall be recorded
among the proceedings of the said courts.
Date of exemption
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the annual levy, as au-
thorised and required by the first section of this act, shall
be computed and reckoned from the date of filing, as afore-
said, their assent to the provisions of this act, by the said
President and Directors; Provided, the said President and
Directors shall agree that the privileges intended to be se-
cured by this act, to the residents of the counties aforesaid,
shall be enjoyed by them, from the date of filing their as-
sent as aforesaid.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That this act may be pros-
pectively repealed by the General Assembly of this State,
at any session thereof, which repeal shall not take effect
until the expiration of the year, for which an annual levy, as
hereinbefore provided, shall have been made; and the said
President and Directors may be remitted to their legal
charges of toll as allowed by their charter of incorpora-
tion, upon giving notice, in writing, to the levy courts of