Account required
Sec. 5 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
heretofore appointed to build said bridge, shall, after ex-
pending said money on said road, report their proceedings,
with an exact statement of work done, and money paid, with
proper vouchers, to the commissioners of Allegany county,
to show in what manner the said money has been laid out.
WHEREAS, a deed of trust was executed on the twenty
second day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand
eight hundred and twenty eight, by Daniel Gehr, and Mar.
garet Gehr, his wife, to James M, Welch, John Bradshaw,
John Williams, Basil Prather, David Shober, David S Rey-
nolds, Samuel Prather, Jacob Knepper and John D Ride-
nour, for a lot or portion of ground, situate in the town of
Clear Spring, county of Washington, and State of Mary-
land, containing forty eight perches of land, more or less,
and known and distinguished on the general plan of said
town, by the number sixty five, containing sixty six feet in
breadth, and one hundred and ninety eight feet in length,
which deed of trust is recorded in Liber K K folios two
hundred and one, two hundred and two, two hundred and
three, and two hundred and four, one of the land records of
Washington county aforesaid
AND WHEREAS, the parties for whose use said lot was
held by said trustees, have sold the same to a certain Solo-
mon Stinemetez, but have no power to convey a legal title
thereto to the said purchaser, and being desirous to make a
legal title of said lot of ground, to the said purchaser, There
Deed authorised
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the above named James M Welch and John
D Ridenour, or either of them, in case of the death, or ne-
glect, or refusal of either of them to act, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered to execute a deed of bar-
gain and sale for the aforesaid lot of ground to the said So-