commissioners shall have full power to supply such vacan-
cy or vacancies, provided that every such commissioner so
appointed shall give bond as provided by the fifth section
of this act, before he shall proceed to the execution of the
trust hereby reposed in him
Sec 7 And be it enacted That each of the said com-
missioners shall receive such compensation as the Levy
court of Worcester county shall consider due to their res-
pective services, whilst engaged in contracting for and su-
perintending the construction and furnishing the said build
An act, entitled, an act to locate and open a new road in Al-
legany County and for other purposes
Passed Feb 5, 1835
SEC 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary
land, That Leonard Smith Samuel Coddington, Joseph
Frantz and Daniel Smouse or a majority of them be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to locate and open
a road from Selby's port, on westside of the Yohogany Ri-
ver, to Selem Forge, on the best and most practical rout,
thence to the furnace belonging to the Yohogany Iron Com-
pany, thence up Bear Creek to intersect the glades road at
Jonathan Friends
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
be, and they are hereby empowered to apply the balance of
the money remaining in the hands of the commissioners
heretofore appointed to build a bridge over the said Yoho-
gany river and the said commissioners for building the
aforesaid bridge are hereby authorised to pay over the same
as required by this act
Payment over and
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That the said road shall be open
ed and cleared out not exceeding thirty feet, not running the
same through the garden, yard, or orchards of any person
without their consent
Dimensions &c
Sec 4 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
cause a plat and certificate of said road to be made out and
returned by them to the commissioners of the tax for Alle-
gany county, at their meeting in August next, to be placed,
Plat -record