lomon Stinemetz, in fee simple, in the same manner and be-
fore the same person or persons who are now by the laws of
this State authorised and empowered to take acknowl-
edgment of deeds of bargain and sale, which deed shall be
recorded in the land records of said county, within the same
time that other deeds are required to be recorded
CHAP 61,
Sec. 2. And be it enacted That any deed of bargain and
sale executed for said lot of ground, by the said James M
Welch and John D Ridenour, or either of them, to the said
Solomon Stinemetz, shall be good and effectual to convey
and assure to the said Solomon Stinemetz, his heirs and as
signs, all the right, title, interest and estate of, in, and to the
aforesaid lot of ground and premises, both at law and in
equity which was held and enjoyed by the aforesaid trustees
in said deed mentioned, and the society or congregation for
whose use and benefit said lot was so held by said trustees
An art to authorise the Clerk of Baltimore County Court,
to record a deed therein mentioned
Passed Feb 8, 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the clerk of Baltimore County Court, be and he is hereby
authorised to record a deed of manumission from Henry B
Pearce, to negro Betty, bearing date the ninth day of May,
one thousand eight hundred and twenty six, and that the
deed when so recorded shall be good and valid, any law of
this state to the contrary notwithstanding
Record directed
Art act to authorise the Justices of the levy court of Somerset
county, to levy a sum of money for the use of Samuel G
Holbrook, Sheriff of the said county,
Passed Feb 7, 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Justices of the levy court of Somerset county, be, and
they hereby are authorised and directed to examine a claim
of Samuel G, Holbrook, for keeping and supporting in So-
merset County Jail, sundry negroes, by order of the Judges
Exam nation and