CHAP. 45
same to alter and change at pleasure, and to ordain and es-
tablish such by-laws and regulations as shall be necessary
and convenient for conducting the affairs of the corpora-
tion; Provided, the same be not contrary to the laws of the
United States, of the State of Maryland, or of the corpo-
ration of the city of Baltimore.
Sec. And be if enacted, That the affairs of the said so-
ciety shall be managed and conducted by a President, Vice
President, and such other officers as the society may deem
necessary, to be elected at such time and in such manner as
the said society may appoint.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be able and capable in law, to purchase, take, have and en-
joy, to them and their successors, property both personal
and real, and the same at their pleasure dispose of in such
manner as they may judge most conducive to the charitable
uses of the said society; Provided nevertheless, that the said
corporation shall not at any one time, hold or possess pro-
perty, real, personal or mixed, exceeding in total value, the
sum of ten thousand dollars.
Present officers
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all appointments of offi-
cers for the said society, heretofore made by the members,
in their private capacities, shall respectively continue and
be in full force until the next election of officers by the cor-
Case of dissolution
Sec. 5, And be it enacted, That if at any time it may be
thought necessary to dissolve this society, a proposition to
that effect shall be laid on the table in writing, at a stated meet-
ing of the society, and may be discussed at the next staled
meeting, but shall not be finally decided on, in the affirma-
tive, while seven resident members dissent therefrom; Pro-
vided nevertheless, that no such dissolution shall operate to
impair or invalidate any contract before that time made, or
to affect a suit then instituted or to be instituted by or
against such corporation.
Banking forbid
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained shall be so construed as to authorise or empower the
corporation hereby erected, to make or put in circulation
any negotiable note or notes in the nature of a bank note.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue
and remain in force until the year eighteen hundred and
fifty five, and the end of the next General Assembly that
shall happen thereafter, unless the society is dissolved by
the members thereof, as provided for in the fifth section, it
being however, expressly declared and understood, that this