act, with an interest on the amount so paid, of ten per
centum per annum, then in that event and from thenceforth,
all title or color of title, derived by such purchaser or pur-
chasers, by and in virtue of their purchase, at such collec-
tors sale, shall be utterly null and void, and the title of the
owner or owners, whose interest may have been sold, as
complete as if no such sale had been made
Right to redeem
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That if the purchaser or pur-
chasers, at collector's sales as aforesaid, do and shall de-
posite with the clerk of Allegany county, copies of the ad-
vertisements required by the first section of this act, togeth-
er with the affidavits of the editors who have published the
same, that the same have been published according to the
provisions of the first section of this act, to be recorded by
the clerk of Allegany county, whose duty it is hereby made
to record the same, that such, record shall be good and suffi-
cient evidence that the provisions of this law have been
complied with.
Copy of advert se-
An to Incorporate the Chairmaker's Beneficial Society of
Passed Feb. 3, 1835
WHEREAS, John Holiday, David Stapleton, William H
Bloss, Hugh M Logan, Martin Haney, William Dillehurnt,
William M Philips and others, have formed themselves into
a society for the laudable purpose of affording relief to each
other, and their respective families, in the event of misfortune,
sickness and death, and having prayed an act of incorpora-
tion, that they may the better execute their intentions, and
the Legislature being desirous of promoting such useful in-
stitutions, Therefore—
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the persons mentioned in the preamble of this
act, all others, that now are or may hereafter become mem-
bers of the corporation hering erected, and their successor,
are hereby declared to be one community, corporation, and
body politic, by the name, style, and title of the Chairmak-
ers Beneficial Society of Baltimore, and by that name shall
be able and capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of
law or equity, and to make and use a common seal, and the