act may be repealed by the General Assembly of this state,
at any meeting thereof, which right to repeal is hereby re-
served to the General Assembly
CHAP. 47.
Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That the State of
Maryland hereby reserves to itself the right to tax (he cor
porate fund of said society at any time or times during the
continuation of the aforesaid corporation.
Right to tax
A further supplement to an act entitled an act empowering
and directing the Commissioners of Cecil County, to build
two fire proof offices, for the use of the Clerk and Register
of Wills of said county, for the safe keeping of the records
appertaining to their respective offices, in the town of Elkton,
Passed Feb 3, 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the Genual Assembly of Ma -
ryland, that the commissioners of Cecil county be and
they are hereby authorised at the ensuing assessment, to le-
vy upon the assessable property of said county, such sum or
sums of money as may be necessary to pay the balance due
for the erection and completing the offices mentioned in the
act to which this a supplement
Levy authorised
An act to provide for the building a Court House, in Worces-
ter county
Passed Feb 3, 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That George W Purnell, Samuel Harper, Peter
Dickerson, Levin Cottingham, Charles Parker, John S.
Stevenson, James M. Fooks, George Maddux and John
Mitchell of Worcester county, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, and they or a majority of them are
authorised and empowered by virtue of this act, to contract
for and superintend the building a Court House with all the
necessary offices upon the public ground in the Town of
Snow Hill, in Worcester county, whereon the Court House
recently destroyed by fire stood, and furnishing the said
Court House and offices when so constructed, with the ne
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