them expended rn the prosecution of the said work, anc
shall, at least once in every year, submit such accounts to a
general meeting of the stockholders, until the said bridge
shall he completed, and until all the costs, charges and ex
Senses for effecting the same, shall have been fully paid anc
discharged and the aggregate amount of all such expenses
shall be liquidated and ascertained, and if, after the said
bridge shall have been completed, it shall be found tha
more moneys remain in the hands of the tieasurer than may
he necessary for the payment of all charges and expenses
incurred in and about constricting the said bridge, the
CHAP 327.
Annual reports
surplus shall be rpturned as part of the dividend due and
payable to the stockholders respectively
Sec 10 And be it enacted, That the said bridge shall be
constructed in the most secure and substantial manner, anc
shall be secured and supported at each end by good am
sufficient abutments or piers, and shall be not less than
twenty feet wide, with railing on each side thereof, anc
there shall be an opening in the said bridge at the deepes
part of the channel, so as to afford a convenient passage to
Vessels up and down in the said river, of at least thirty fee
wide and the president and directors for the time being
shall keep a sufficient number of hands at all times ready
for the purpose of admitting vessels to pass through without
delay or interruption, for which no reward shall be demanded
or received, and in case of any neglect, the said president
and directors may be indicted and fined in Baltimore county
court, as for a common nuisance
Sec 11 And be it enacted, That for and in considera-
tion of the great risk and expenses to be incurred by the said
company, not only for building said bridge but for keeping
the same in continual repair, the said bridge, when built
and completed according to the directions of this act, and
all its profits, shall be and the same are hereby vested in the
said company forever, or to be held as tenants in common
in proportions to their respective shares, and it shall am
may be lawful for the said president and directors at all time
Property vested
hereafter, to demand and receive such reasonable tax or
toll as they may from, tune to time agree on and require
Provided, that they shall not at any time demand and receive
more than the following rates, viz for every coach or ba
rouche with four horses, fifty cents, for every public stage,
waggon or other four wheel carnage with four horses
thirty seven and a half cents, for every waggon, stage or
other four wheel carriage with two horses, mules or oxen
Rates prescribed