CHAP 327
twenty five cents, for every cart or oilier carriage with not
more than one horse twelve and a halt cents for every
single horse, or horse and rider six and a quarter cents fo
every foot passenger, four cents and for every head o
evvine, sheep or other small animal, two cents, and the right
to impose on the said company such reasonable tax by way
of license or otherwise, as may be imposed on similar pro
perty, at any time after the passage of this act, is hereby
reseived to the Legislature
Penalty for [ ]
Sec 12. And be it enacted, That if the said piesident and
[See image for text]
Accounts divi-
Sec. 13 And be it enacted, That the said president and
directors shall keep a just and true account of all monies
received by their several and respective collectors of tolls
for crossing the said bridge and shall make and declare a
dividend of the profits and income thereof among all the
stockholders, first deducting therefrom, all proper expenses
or incidental costs and charges, and such proportions of the
said income as they may deem necessary, to provide against
Publication direc-
the decay, and for repairing the said bridges, and shall on
every first Monday rn July and January of every year, pur-
lish tl e dividend to be made of the said clear profits there
of, among the stockholders, and also the time and place,
where and when, the same shall be paid, and shall cause the
same to be paid accordingly
Penalty for injur-
ing &c
Sec 14 And be it enacted, That if any person of per-
sons shall willfully, or without the orders of the said Presi-
dent and directors, pull down, break or destroy, with intent
to injure any part or parts of the said bridges, or of any
abutment, pier or piers, or of any of he tell houses gates,
bars, or other property of the said corporation appertenants
to, or erected or made for the use and convenience of the
said bridge, or the persons employed in conducting the bu
siness thereof, or shall wilfully, without the orders and con
sent of the said corporation, or any person or persons autho-
rised by them, obliterate, deface, or destroy the letters
ingers, or other characters rn any written or printed list of