CHAP 327.
manner, as shall be agreed on for transacting the business
of the company, and in the absence of the preside it, may
choose a chairman, and they shall keep minutes of all their
transactions fairly entered in a book, and a quorum being,
met, they shall have full power and authority to agree with
and appoint such engineer, superintendants, artists, and other
officers, as they shall think necessary to construct the said
bridge and to contract and agree for materials, and all such
articles as they shall deem necessary, to ascertain the times,
manner and proportions, in which the stockholders shall
pay the money due on their respective shares, in order to
carry on their work, to draw orders on the treasurer for all
money, to pay the wages of persons bv them employed, and
for the materials and labor done Provided such orders
shall be signed by a majority of the directors and to do
and transact all other such acts, matters and things, as by
this act, or the by laws, orders and regulations of the com
pany, shall be committed to them Provided also that the
said president and directors shall not be authonsed to call
on the stockholders for a greater sum than five dollars on
each share at any one time, nor until they shall have given
at least four weeks notice thereof as aforesaid
Neglect to pay
Sec 8 And be it enacied, That if any stockholder, after
four weeks notice as aforesard, of the time and place ap-
pointed for the payment of any portion of dividend of the
said capital stock, shall neglect to pay such portion at
the time so appointed and for a space of forty days there
after, every such stockholder of his assignee shall, in addi
tron to the dividends so called for, pay at the rate of three
per centum per month, for eveiv delay of such payment
and if the same and the said additional penalties shall re
penaltres shall become equal to the sums before paid on ac
count of such share or shares, the same shall be forfeited to
the company, and shall be sold by them to any other person
or persons willing to purchase the same, for the best price
that can be obtained therefor
[See image for text]