appeal as aforesaid, and the said commissioners shall deliver
or cause to be delivered such their certificate into the re
corder's office in and for Kent county aforesaid, in the State
CHAP 11.
of Delaware, to be there recorded by the recorder of deeds
for said county, which said certificate shall be conclusive
upon all parties, and a copy of the record thereof, certified
by said recorder, under his hand and seal of office, shall be
good and sufficient evidence in all courts of justice, and be-
fore all justices of the peace in this Slate, and the said ap-
praisement and valuation of the said marshes and low
grounds so as aforesaid to be made, shall be the rate of as
sessment for all axes levied under this act for and during
the term of eight years next after the second Saturday in
April, or sooner, if two thuds of the company concur
therein, and until commissioners shall again be chosen by
the said Company in the same manner, and shall, in the
same manner as prescribed in this section, complete and
certify into the recorder's office of Kent county, in the Slate
of Delaware aforesaid, another valuation and appraisement
of the said marshes and low grounds, to be recorded as
aforesaid, which said other appraisement and valuation of
the said marshes and low grounds, being so completed, re-
turned, and recorded, as herein directed for the first, shall
be thenceforth the rate of assessment for all taxes levied
under this act, and shall be binding and conclusive upon all
parties, and a copy of the record thereof, certified by said
recorder, his hand and seal of office, shall be good and suf-
ficient evidence in all courts of justice, and before all jus-
tices of the peace in this State, for and during the term of
ten years next after the second Saturday in April of the year
in which the same shall be completed, or sooner, if two
Conclusive for eight
years &c
thirds of the Company concurring, and until another valua-
tion in like manner shall he made and so for every period
of ten years, unless sooner required by the Company, rec-
oning from the second Saturday in April of the year in
which any valuation and appraisement of the said marshes
and low grounds shall have been made, so that a new va
luation and appraisement as aforesaid may be had by the
said Company every ten years, or sooner, two thirds of the
Company concurring, and in any such other or new valua-
tion and appraisement, the Commissioners shall not be con-
fined to the same marshes and low ground only, winch shall
have been included in any previous valuation and appaise-
ment, but may include any other marshes and low ground
which they may be of opinion are or will be benefitted or
Subsequent value