CHAP. 11.
Assets &c
of any such ditch or ditches, and shall determine (he value
of such marshes and low grounds, per acre, as near as may
be, according to the situation thereof, and upon such prin-
ciples as will do equal justice to all the owners thereof, but
in determining the quantity or number of acres of such marsh
or low grounds, held by any owner or owners as aforesaid,
it shall not be necessary for any actual survey to be made,
but the said commissioners may estimate the same according
to the respective quantity or number of acres, and the best
information they may be able to obtain, and the said com-
missioners, when they shall have laid out such ditch or
ditches, and completed such valuation and appraisement as
Notice thereof re-
aforesaid, shall cause to be put up in at least three of the
most public places in the neighborhood of the said marshes
and low grounds in this State, and in at least three of the
most public places in the neighborhood of said marshes and
low grounds in the State of Delaware, written or printed
notice that such ditch or ditches has been laid out and of
such their completion of such valuation and appraisement
of the said marshes and low grounds, and specifying and
appointing a time and place for a general meeting of the
said owners of the said marshes and low grounds, which
said time shall not be less than fifteen nor more than thirty
days after the day of advertising or giving such notice, and
which said place of meeting shall be at some convenient
place in the neighborhood of said marshes or low grounds,
at which said meeting the said commissioners shall consti-
Hear Appeals
tute a board of appeal, and shall hear and determine all and
every the objections, grievances, and complaints of all and
every person or persons who may consider him or herself
or themselves aggrieved by such appraisement or valuation
as aforesaid, and the said commissioners, so sitting as a
board of appeal as aforesaid, shall have power to make
such alterations in such valuation and appraisement, as
upon a full hearing and consideration of all circumstances,
they may deem just and equitable, and the said commis-
sioners, after having, as such board of appeal, settled and
adjusted such valuation and appraisement of the said marshes
and low grounds as aforesaid, shall make out, under their
hands, a certificate containing the names of the respective
owners of the said marshes and low grounds, the quantity
held by each owner, and the appraisement of the several
quantities held by each owner, or by joint owners, respect-
ively, according as the same shall have been settled and ad-
justed by the said commissioners so sitting as a board of