ments thereon, vest, subject, however, to the terms,'covenants,
agreements, provisions and conditions contained in the afore-
mentioned mortgage and the rights of the mortgagor, its suc-
cessors and assigns, thereunder, in the said body corporate, its
successors and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof
forever, with full power after default being made in any of the
agreements, covenants or conditions contained in the said mort-
gage to have, hold, sell, grant, convey or in any other way
whatsoever dispose of the same or of any part thereof and to
exercise the powers conferred by the said mortgage, and also
with full power to release the said mortgage and the debt se-
cured thereby and to sell, assign or in any other way dispose
of the same.
(51) To the deed from The Baltimore Lutheran Commis-
sion for Soldiers and Sailors' Welfare. Inc., a body corporate,
to and for the use and benefit of The Inner Mission Society
of. the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City and
Vicinity, Inc., a body corporate, dated January 10, 1920, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3531, folio 58, &c., and that the fee simple title to
the lot of ground, together with the improvements thereon, con-
veyed by said deed, vest absolutely in the said body corpor-
ate, its successors and assigns, to its own and their own use
and behoof forever, with full power to have, hold, sell, lease,
mortgage, grant, convey or in any other way whatsoever dis-
pose of the same or of any part thereof.
(52) To the two deeds to the Lutheran Church Extension
Society of Baltimore City, namely: Deed from The Realty
Improvement Company, a body corporate, to said Lutheran
Church Extension Society of Baltimore City, a body corpor-
ate, dated October 25, 1918, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3276, folio 46,
&c.; and deed from The Mueller Construction Company, a
body corporate, to the said Lutheran Church Extension So-
ciety of Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated September 11,
1919, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3443, folio 149, &c., and that the
fee simple title to the lots or parcels of ground and premises,
together with the improvements thereon, conveyed by said
deeds, vest absolutely in the said body corporate, its successors
and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof forever.