City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3304, folio 431 &c., and that the fee
simple title to the lot of ground thereby conveyed together
with the improvements thereon, vest absolutely in the said
body corporate, its successors and assigns, to its own and their
own use and behoof forever, with full power to have, hold,
sell, lease, mortgage, grant, convey or in any other way what-
soever dispose of the same or of any part thereof:
(48) To the deed from Edward A. Huber to and for the
use and benefit of Grace English Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated June 1, 1896, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
R. O. No. 1622, folio 396 &c., and that the leasehold title to
the lot of ground and improvements thereon thereby conveyed,
vest absolutely in the said body corporate, its successors and
assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof forever, with
full power to have, hold, sell, lease, mortgage, grant, convey,
assign or in any other way whatsoever dispose of the same or
of any part thereof.
(49) To the deed from Edith Tyler Marshall and Thomas
A. Marshall, her husband, to and for the use and benefit of
The Baltimore Lutheran Commission for Soldiers and Sailors'
Welfare, Inc., a body corporate, dated November 26, 1918, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3826, folio 458, &c., and that the fee simple title
to the lot of ground and the improvements thereon conveyed
by said deed, vest absolutely in the said body corporate, its
successors and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof
forever, with full power to have, hold, sell, lease, mortgage,
grant, convey or in any other way whatsoever dispose of the
same or of any part thereof.
(50) To the grant, deed and conveyance by way of mort-
gage of a certain fee simple lot of ground, made by The Balti-
more Lutheran Commission for Soldiers and Sailors' Welfare,
Inc., a body corporate, to and for the use and benefit of The
Board of Foreign Missions of the General Synod of the Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church in the United States of America, a
body corporate, dated November 26, 1918, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3286.
folio 460, &c., and that the fee simple title to the said lot or
parcel of ground and premises, together with the improve-