ground rents or annuities situate in the City of Baltimore,
State of Maryland, namely: The lot of ground with the an-
nual ground rent of $40.00 issuing thereout on the east side
of Robinson street 76 feet south of Gough street, having a
front of 12 feet and 4 inches southerly and an even width for
depth of 62 feet and 6 inches easterly; the lot of ground with
the annual ground rent of $40.00 issuing thereout on the west
side of Alien street, 85 feet north of Port avenue, having a
front of 16 feet northerly and an even width for depth of 110
feet 6 inches westerly; the lot of ground with the annual
ground rent of $60 issuing thereout at the corner formed by
the intersection of the northwest side of Wilson street and the
northeast side of Boulden Alley, having a front northeasterly
on Wilson street of 12 feet and 6 inches and an even width for
depth bf 75 feet 3 1/4 inches northwesterly; the lot of ground
with the annual ground rent of $39.00 issuing thereout on the
west side of. Third street 51 feet 9 inches northerly from
Leaverton avenue, having a front of 12 feet and 7 inches
northerly and an even width for depth of 65 feet westerly ;
the lot of ground and the annual ground rent of $45.00 issuing
thereout on the east side of Belt Avenue, 79 feet south of
Barney Street, having a front of 13 feet southerly and an
even width for depth of 85 feet easterly; the sanction and
consent of the General Assembly of Maryland being also here-
by declared, given and granted to such allotment, deed, grant
and conveyance, and the payment of the balance of the bequest
in cash, and also to the holding, selling, mortgaging, leasing
or otherwise disposing of the lots of ground aforementioned.
(45) To the gift, devise and bequest made by the last will
and testament of Elizabeth M. C. Gault, late of Baltimore
City, deceased, dated December 29, 1913, and recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills
Record Liber H. W. J. No. 132, folio 381 &c., to The Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary, a body corporate, located at
present in the City of Louisville, Kentucky, of a sufficient
number of her ground rents or annuities therein referred to
and of which she died seized, when capitalized at six per cent,
as therein mentioned and allotted by her Executor, to equal
the principal sum of four thousand dollars absolutely; any
deficiency between the total capitalization of the ground rents
or annuities so allotted by her Executor and such sum of four
thousand dollars, to be paid in cash out of her estate to such