(e) One thousand dollars to the Deaconess Home of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City.
(f) Fifteen hundred dollars to the Trustees of the Madison
Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
(g) One thousand dollars to the Ladies' Aid Society of
Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
(h) One thousand dollars to the Parsonage Aid Society of
Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
(i) One thousand dollars to Webster Chapel of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church.
(j) Two hundred fifty dollars to Elderslie Methodist
Episcopal Church.
(k) Two thousand dollars to the Preachers' Aid Society
(1) All the rest and residue, as mentioned in said will,
to the :home of the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Baltimore City. Deaconess Home of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Baltimore, Preachers' Aid Society of Balti-
more Conference, and the Trustees of the Madison Avenue
Methodist Episcopal Church, in the respective amounts of
one-fourth of the said rest and residue to each.
(44) To the gift, devise and bequest made by the last
will and testament of Elizabeth M. C. Gault, late of Baltimore
City, deceased, dated December 29, 1913, and recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City in Wills
Record, Liber H. W. J. No. 132, folio 381, &c., to the Richmond
College, a body corporate of the State of Virginia of a suffi-
cient number of her ground rents or annuities therein referred
to and of which she died seized, when capitalized at six per
cent as therein mentioned and allotted by her executor, to
equal the principal sum of four thousand dollars absolutely ;
any deficiency between the total capitalization of the ground
rents or annuities so allotted by her executor and such sum
of four thousand dollars, to be paid in cash out of her estate
to such corporation; L. Scott Carswell, her executor, by virtue
and in pursuance of the terms of said last will and testament,
having allotted and by his deed dated February 5, 1920, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3525, folio 209, &c., having granted and conveyed
to the said Richmond College, its successors and assigns, the five