1410 . LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 732
corporation; L. Scott Carswell, her Executor, by virtue and
iu pursuance of the terms of said last will and testament,
having, allotted, and by his deed dated February 5, 1920. and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3525, folio 209 &c., having granted and conveyed
to. the said The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, its
successors and assigns, the four ground rents or annuities
situate in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland, namely:
The lot of ground with the. annual ground rent of $42.00 is,su-
ing thereout, on trie northwest side of Woodall. Street, 129
feet northeasterly of Fort Avenue, having a front, of 14 feet
northeasterly and an even width for depth of 120 feet and 6
inches northwesterly; the lot of ground, with the annual
ground rent of $45.50 issuing thereout on the east, side of Belt
Avenue 27 .feet south of Barney Street, having a front of .13
feet southerly and an even depth for depth of, 85 feet easterly:
the lot of ground with, the annual ground rent of $56 issuing
thereout on the east side of Catherine Street 291 feet and. 3
inches north of Baltimore street, having a front of. 13 feet
and .5 inches, northerly and an even width for depth of 65
feet easterly; the lot of ground with the animal ground rent
of $80.00 issuing thereout on the east side of Poppleton Street,
34 feet north of Booth Street, having a front of 17 feet
northerly and an even width for depth of 72 feet easterly;
the sanction and consent of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, being also hereby declared, given and granted, to such
allotment, deed, grant and conveyance, and the payment of
the balance of the bequest in cash, and also to the Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary holding, selling, mortgaging,
leasing or otherwise disposing of the lots of ground aforemen-
(46) To the deed by Thomas Mackenzie to the Trustees of
the Eutaw Place Baptist Church, dated September 24, 1919.
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S, C. L. No. 3449, folio 479, and to the holding, selling,
mortgaging, leasing or otherwise disposing of the lot of ground
conveyed by said deed.
(47) To the deed from Henry Hellwig, widower, to and
for the use and benefit of Grace English Evangelical Lutheran
Church of. Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated January 21,
1919, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore