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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1068   View pdf image (33K)
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mission has determined to be a factor in the cost to the Com-
mission of such system, the Commission may, in its discretion,
levy a front foot assessment less than the uniform front foot
assessment levied in the remainder of the sub-district in which
said system is located. The amount of the charge per front foot
for each class of property for both water main and sewer
shall be determined from time to time by the Commission as
costs and conditions require. Said benefit charge shall be paid
annually beginning in the year such construction is begun by
all properties located as above specified, for a period of years
coextensive with the period of maturity of the bonds out of
the proceeds of which such construction was done; provided,
however, that any property owner may, at his option, within
one year from the time said front foot assessment or benefit
charge is levied extinguish the same by the payment in cash,
in one sum, of the proportion of the estimated cost of the
project of which the construction abutting upon his property
is a part, represented by the number of front feet which he
is assessed, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum
from the date of said levy, less any annual payment that may
have been made thereon. The Commission, however, in estima-
ting said cost for the purpose of extinguishment may add
thereto a reasonable margin to protect itself against possible
changes in the cost of construction and loss of interest. All
sums received under such plan of extinguishment shall be pre-
served intact by said Commission less the payment of the pro-
portion of interest and sinking fund properly chargeable to
the amount so received, and used for future construction; and
provided further, that any property owner, whose property is
classified under business or industrial, or sub-division, may, at
his option, at anytime during the life of said assessment or
benefit charge extinguish the same .by payment in cash of an
amount, which, if put at interest at three and a half per cent,
compounded annually, would yield an annuity equal to the
annual assessment for the period for which said assessment
has yet to run. The Commission shall at any time permit a
connection with a water main or sewer by a property owner
whose property does not abut on said water main or sewer
and who has not previously thereto paid a benefit charge for
the construction of said water main or sewer, provided said
Commission shall classify said property and determine a front


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1068   View pdf image (33K)
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