and benefit assessed against any property as made by the
Commission shall be final, subject only to revision at said
hearing. The Commission may change the classification of
property from time to time as said properties change in the
uses to which they are put. Said benefits shall be levied for
both water supply and sewerage construction and shall be
based for each class of property upon the number of front
feet abutting upon the street, lane, road, alley or right of way
in which the water pipe or sewer is placed; provided, however,
that in the case of any irregular shaped lot having a frontage
on two or more streets and abutting upon a road, street, lane,
alley or right of way in which there is or is being constructed
a water main or sewer at any point of said frontage shall
be assessed for such'frontage as the Commission may deter-
mine to be reasonable and fair, not, however, to exceed the
longest frontage on any one street; and provided further,
that no lot in a subdivision property shall be assessed on more
than one side, that corner lots in this class shall be assessed
on that frontage towards which the building should naturally
face, and that all lots in this class shall be assessed for their
full frontage even though a water main or sewer may not
extend along the full length of any boundary; and provided
further, that no land so classed as agricultural by this Com-
mission, when in actual use for farming or trucking purposes,
shall be assessed a front foot benefit when such agricultural
land has constructed through it or in front of it a sewer or
water main, until such time as a water or sewer connection is
made, and when so made and for every connection such land
shall become liable to a front foot assessment for such reason-
able frontage, not exceeding three hundred feet front, as may
be determined by said Commission, and shall be immediately
assessed at the rate of assessment determined upon by said
Commission for agricultural land. Front foot benefit charges
for water supply and sewer construction shall be uniform for
each class of property throughout the district defined by the
Commission under Section 4, for any one year and no benefit
charge once levied, shall be increased; provided, however, that
whenever the Commission acquires an existing system, other
than a municipal system, the construction cost of which has
been added in whole or in part to the purchaser of land or lots
abutting upon said system and which contribution the Com-