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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1069   View pdf image (33K)
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foot charge to be paid by said property owner as though his
property abutted upon said water main or sewer; and in the
event of such connection being made said property owner and
said property, as to all charges, rates and benefits shall stand
in every respect in the same position as if the said property
abutted upon a water main or sewer. The annual benefit
charges as above specified shall be a first lien upon the prop-
erty against which they are assessed, subject only to prior
State, County and Municipal charges, and shall be enforced
by a judgment upon the complaint of the Commission before
any justice of the peace or the Circuit Court for the County
in which said land is situated and usual execution thereon.
Service upon the defendant named in said complaint shall be
by summons as is usual in debt cases, and in the event said
summons shall be returned non est, said Commission may
cause an order of the justice of the peace or the Circuit Court
to be published in any newspaper in the county in which the
land lies, for two successive issues, requiring the defendant,
to be named therein, to appear to said complaint at a certain
time and place to be named therein, and in default of such
appearance, after due proof of publication and proof of the
fact that there is due and owing said Commission the amount
so claimed the Circuit Court or the justice of the peace before
whom said complaint is pending shall enter judgment against
said defendant or defendants and tax the costs including the
costs of publication, if any. No such benefit charge shall con-
tinue as a lien for a period longer than two years from the
date upon which the same became in default, unless it is
reduced to a judgment and duly recorded among the records
of the clerk's office in the County in which said land is situ-
ated. Said benefit charge shall be payable at the office of the
Commission immediately upon being levied and shall be in
default after sixty days from that date; and said benefit
charge and any judgment obtained as a result of the default
of the payment thereof shall bear interest at the rate of one
per cent a month from and after the time said benefit charge
is in default.

SEC. 20. And be it further enacted. That all individuals,
firms and corporations having buildings, conduits, pipes,
tracks or other physical obstructions in, over or under the
public roads, streets or alleys of the Sanitary District, or of


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1069   View pdf image (33K)
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