CHAP. 54.
lars shall not have been subscribed to the capital stocks
of the said company as by said acts is provided, it shall
and may be lawful to and for the president and direc-
tors thereof at any time or times thereafter, and in such
notice as they may deem expedient, to receive addi-
tional subscriptions to the capital stock of said com-
pany ; provided, that the additional stock hereby au-
thorised, together with the stock which shall have been
subscribed at the time of the organization of the said
company shall not exceed the sum of three hundred
Cash payment!
required to
authorise or-
thousand dollars ; and provided also, that a cash capi-
ital of thirty thousand dollars at least shall be actually
subscribed before the company incorporated by the
provisions of the aforesaid act shall go into operation,
which said part of the capital stock when so subscribed
shall be certified in writing by such persons as the
Treasurer of the Western Shore shall appoint, to as-
certain and report said facts to said Treasurer ; and
.provided also, that if the debts of the said company
shall at any time exceed the whole amount of capital
subscribed and paid in to the stock of said company,
the directors for the time being shall become per-
sonally liable for the payment of such excess.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the president and directors of the said company to
call for such additional instalments to be paid on the
cash capital subscribed, that the sum of thirty thousand
dollars at least shall become payable within four months
from the date of the organization of the company.
Case of failure
to subscribe—
act annulled.
SEC. 3. And be if enacted, That if the sum of thirty
thousand dollars shall not be paid in on account of the
cash capital subscribed, to said company within the
time herein before limited for that purpose, then this
supplement and every thing therein contained shall be
null and void.
Right of way.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the right of way is
hereby reserved to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
Company, and the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company upon any route which the said companies
may select for their works, notwithstanding the prior
location or construction of any rail road or rail roads
authorised by the provisions of this act upon such route.