county, that the same has been paid at any previous
time, to any person authorised to receive the same, it
shall prevent the said Bruce, and his deputies from
collecting said claim in the manner prescribed by law
CHAP. 54.
for collecting such claims; and provided also, that
nothing in this act contained shall be construed to ef-
fect the estate of a deceased person, except to author-
ise the said Bruce or his deputies, to recover any claim
on balance due by a deceased person in the same man-
ner that claims against deceased persons are now re-
Exception as to
covered by law; and provided also, that this act shall
only continue in force for one year from its passage.
A further supplement to the act to Incorporate the Geor-
ge's Creek Mining Company.
Passed Feb. 23,
WHEREAS, by the act, entitled, an act to incorpor-
ate the George's Creek Mining company, passed at
December session, in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, and the supplement thereto, it is provided
that the capital stock of the company thereby incor-
porated shall consist of three thousand shares of one
hundred dollars each, in addition to the lands of John
H. Alexander and Philip T. Tyson, which are requir-
ed to be subscribed in manner and form as is therein
particularly mentioned; and whereas it is represented
to this General Assembly that the whole amount of the
money capital authorised as aforesaid, has not been sub-
scribed, but that the said Alexander and Tyson are wil-
ling to proceed with the organization of the company
incorporated as aforesaid, and to erect on their afore-
said lands, costly and extensive works for the manu-
facture of iron ; provided, the said company after its
organization shall be permitted to take additional sub-
scriptions to its capital stock to the aforesaid amount
of three hundred thousand dollars.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That if at the time of the organization of the
company incorporated by the aforesaid act and its sup-
pleraent the aforesaid sum of three hundred thousand dol-
Future sub-
scriptions au-