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veyance to such person or persons as shall be entitled
to the same, in any case where the aforesaid Nicholas
Hammond, counsellor at law, or Nicholas Hammond,
physician, or either of them were, or their heirs, are
now bound to make conveyances, and that all such deeds
when made and delivered to the parties entitled thereto,
shall be legally valid and binding upon all persons
claiming or to claim by, from or under them, or either
of them.
Title to the
SEC. 4. And. be it enacted, That the nett proceeds of
the sales of lands made under the authority of this act,
shall be considered as the property of the person or
persons entitled to the land sold, prior to the sale, to
be held however subject to the same terms, limitations,
conditions and provisos that the same lands are now
subject to, under the will aforesaid of the said Nicho-
las Hammond, physician, that the dividends, rents, is-
sues or profits thereof, shall be held, used and enjoyed
by the parties and in the same manner that the rents
and profits of the lands are now held and enjoyed, and
in like manner that the nett proceeds of the sales of the
other property shall be considered and held as personal
property, subject however to the same terms, limita-
tions and conditions that the property sold was subject
to under the will aforesaid.
Bonds required
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That before the said
Anna Caroline Hammond, or such person or persons as
she shall appoint to act as aforesaid, shall proceed to
sell or execute the duties hereby assigned, she, be or
they shall give bond to the State of Maryland, under
such penalty and with such security as the orphans'
court of Talbot county may deem sufficient, for the well
and faithful performance of the trust reposed and duties
enjoined in and by this act, which bond shall be record-
ed by the register of wills of Talbot county aforesaid,
and the same or an office copy thereof may be put in
suit by any person or persons injured by the unfaithful
performance of the condition of the same.