CHAP. 298.
An act to Incorporate the Annapolis and Elk Ridge
Rail Road Company.
Passed Mar. 21,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Amos A. Williams, Leonard Iglebart,
Alexander Randall, Somerville Pinkney, George
Wells and Elias Ellicott. be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, under the direction of whom,
or a majority of whom, subscriptions may be received
to the capital stock of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge
Rail Road Company, and the said commissioners are
hereby authorised and directed to proceed in receiving
subscriptions to the said capital stock, in the same
manner as is provided in the first section of the act,
entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company, passed at December session, in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chapter one
hundred twenty-three.
SEC. 2. And, be it enacted, That the capital stock of
the said company shall be four hundred and fifty thou-
sand dollars, to be divided into four thousand five
hundred shares, of one hundred dollars each, which
may be subscribed for by other corporations or by in-
dividuals, and as soon as five hundred shares of the
Capital $450,-
said capital stock shall be subscribed, the subscribers
of the said stock, their successors and assigns, shall be,
and they are hereby declared to be a corporation, by
the name of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Rail Road
Company, and by that name shall have succession,
and be capable in law of purchasing, holding, selling,
leasing and conveying estates, real, personal and mixed,
so far as shall be necessary for the purposes hereinafter
mentioned, and no further, and by said corporate
name may sue and be sued, and may have and use a
common seal, and the same may alter and renew at
pleasnse, and shall have, enjoy and exercise all the
powers, rights and privileges, which other corpora-
tions may lawfully do, to carry into effect the purpo-
ses of this act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the mode of appor-
tioning the stock; the amount to be paid thereon at
Powers, &c., si-
milat to Balti-
and Ohio R.R.