and advantage of all parties interested in, and claim-
ing the property mentioned in the said will, to sell the
unprofitable parts of the real and personal estates of the
said Nicholas Hammond, physician, and vest the nctt
proceeds of the sales thereof in bank stock, or other pro-
perty more likely to become useful and profitable than
the property now on hand. — Therefore,
CHAP. 297.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aforesaid Anna Caroline Hammond,
or such person or persons as she shall, by her letter of
attorney to be duly scaled, executed and acknowledged,
appoint for that purpose, shall have full power and au-
thority to sell all such parts of the real and personal
estates of the aforesaid Nicholas Hammond, physician,
as she, or the person or persons appointed by her as
aforesaid, shall adjudge and determine ought to be sold
for the interest and advantage of the persons now en-
Authority to
sell any part,
titled to the same, and also full power and authority,
after such sales shall be made and the purchase monies
received, to vest, for the use and benefit of the devisees
and legatees in the will aforesaid of the aforesaid
Nicholas Hammond, physician, according to the pro-
visions, terms, limitations and provison therein, the
nett proceeds of the said sales after deducting all ex-
penses and a commission of five per cent on the amount
of sales, in bank stock, lands or other property likely
to become of more use and value to the parties inte-
And vest pro-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Anna Caro-
line Hammond, or such person or persons as shall make
sales of property under the authority of this act, shall
return to the orphans' court of Talbot county, a full and
fair report on oath, of each and every such sale, and of
Report of sales
the expenses thereof, within six months thereafter, and
when purchases of bank stock or other property shall
be made out of the nett proceeds of the sales aforesaid,
a full and fair report on oath of all such purchases.
Of purchase.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Anna
Caroline Hammond, or such person or persons as she
shall appoint as aforesaid for the purpose, shall have
full power and authority to seal, execute, acknowledge
and deliver to the person or persons entitled to the
same, deeds of conveyance for all or any property that
may be sold as aforesaid, also deeds of release or con-
Execute deeds