CHAP. 297
Passed Mar 21
An act for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several
counties therein mentioned.
Levy authorised
Be if enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court or county commissioners, as the
case may be of Harford, Prince Georges, Queen Anns
and Talbot counties, be and they are hereby severally
authorised, directed and empowered, at their next an-
nual meeting, so long as they shall sec cause at their
discretion, except otherwise directed by this act, to
levy and assess on the assessable property of said coun-
ties for the use of the several persons hereafter men-
tioned, any sum of money not exceeding the several
sums annexed to their respective mimes, viz: in Har-
ford county, to Ann Holland, thirty dollars, William
Preston, thirty dollars, Hannah McElhenny, thirty
P. George's
dollars, in Prince George's county, to Sarah Baldwin,
fifteen dollars, Margaret . Larncr, twenty dollars, John
Griffin, fifteen dollars, Susannah Cook, twenty dollars,
Benjamin Chancy, thirty dollars, Mary A. Garner,
Q. Anne's
twenty dollars, Elauor Clubb, twenty dollars, Susan-
nah Windsor, thirty dollars; in Queen Ann's county,
to James F. Tucker, twenty dollars, Mary Higgins,
twenty dollars, Rebecca A. Davis, twenty dollars, in
Talbot county, Sarah Cook, twenty-five dollars, Ruth
Davis, twenty-five dollars, and the commissioners or
levy court, as the case may be, are hereby required to
levy the same.
Passed Mar. 21
An act to authorise the sale of certain parts of the real
and personal estate of the late Nicholas Hammond, of
Talbot county, physician, deceased, and convert the
same into bank stock or other property more valuable
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the memorial of Anna Caroline Hammond, the
widow and relict of the late Nicholas Hammond, of
Talbot county, physician, and others, all of whom are
the devisees and legatees in the will of the said Nicho-
las Hammond, that it will he greatly to the interest