CHAP. 134.
Baltimore county court, and in which the trustees of
such insolvent debtors shall not have distributed the
funds and effects belonging to their trust, or otherwise
closed their trust; provided, that in allowing commis-
sions to such trustees, the court shall allow the same
commissions to which trustees would have been entitled
under the provisions of the tenth section of the act
passed in eighteen hundred and five, chapter one hun-
dred and ten; and provided further, that so much of the
supplement as extends the operation of the second and
third sections of the act aforesaid, shall not be applied
to those trustees heretofore appointed, who shall, with-
in the term of twelve months from their appointment,
or from the receipt of undistributed funds by them,
apply to said court, or to some court of equity, for an
audit or investigation of their accounts, or for permis-
sions, directions or instructions, either to distribute or
invest the funds in their hands.
Special auditors
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the power and au-
thority of Baltimore county court, to appoint a special
auditor in cases of insolvency, and to superintend and
direct the distribution of the estates of insolvent debt-
ors, shall be deemed to be concurrent with that of the
courts of equity in this State.
Passed Mar. 6,
An act to lay out and open a Road in Carroll and Anne
Arundel Counties.
to lay out, &c,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Cooke and James B Mat-
thews of Anne Arundel county, and Reuben Warfield
of Carroll county, be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to lay out and open a road not exceed-
ing thirty feet in width, commencing at James Syke's
mill road in Can-oil county, near Rezin Stevens old
bouse, and running from thence to Hepsley's ford, on
the Western Falls of Patapsco, near the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road, the same to be located on the bed of
an old road, known by the name of Peter Pool's road,
or as near thereto as may be practicable, having due
regard to the expense of construction, and the conveni-