ence and stability of said road, thence to cross the falls
at Hepsley's Ford, thence divirging from the present
road, and running up the ravine, as nearly as practi-
cable on the lines dividing the land of James Sykcs,
from the land belonging to the heirs of Mary Ann
Merriken, to or near Rezin Barne's bars in Anno
Arundcl county, thence locating and continuing said
road from or near said bars, to intersect Syke's mill
road in Anne Arundcl county, at or near the end of the
lane that runs between Upton D. Welsh and Rezin D.
CHAP. 134.
Hewitt, and the said commissioners or a majority of
them, shall make out a report of the location of such
part of said road as lies in Anne Arundel county, and
Report location
return the same to the clerk of Anne Arundel county
court, to be recorded among the records of said coun-
ty; they shall likewise make out a report of the loca-
tion of that part of the road running through Carroll
county, and return the same to the clerk of the county
court, to be recorded among the records of said county,
and the said road when so opened shall thereafter be
deemed to be a public road forever, and shall be kept
in repair in the same manner as other public roads are
directed to be kept in said counties.
Public road
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each county shall
pay the expenses of locating and constructing such
portion of said road as lies within their respective
limits, to be determined by the commissioners appoint-
ed under this act, and the commissioners of tax and
levy court of said counties are hereby authorised and
required to pay an allowance of two dollars per day to
the commissioners for their services, to levy the same
in the proportions above stated, on the assessable
property of said counties, to be collected as other coun-
ty charges are now collected.
Expenses ap-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners before they proceed to act, shall take an oath or
affirmation before some Justice of the Peace, that they
will without favour, partiality or prejudice discharge
the duties herein prescribed.
Oath required
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any of the above
named commissioners shall resign or refdse to act, or
a vacancy occur by death, resignation or removal, the
commissioners of said counties respectively shall fill