missioners shall have the right to reject any and all bids, or to
accept any bid which in their discretion is deemed best to the
public interest to be accepted; and they shall thereupon enter
into contract with the bidder whose bid is accepted for the work
to be performed, according to the plans and specifications which
may have been adopted and the contractor shall give bond to
faithfully perform his contract and in such an amount as the
County Commissioners may require. Before letting any con-
tract to lay a sewer or water main in any place other than a
road or street under control of the County Commissioners, said
County Commissioners shall secure the right to construct ana
control and maintain such sewer or water main from the per-
sons having the right to give the same and said County Commis-
sioners shall have the power of condemnation for such purpose
and generally for all the purposes of this Act. In case any
modifications or changes of the plans are made which shall in
volve an increased expenditure of more than one-third (1-3) oi
the amount of the original proposal, then, new bids shall be ad-
vertised for before any contract for increased expenditure shall
be accepted and become binding. After consultation between
the County Commissioners and the person or persons who shall
have made the deposit aforesaid, and with notice of such con-
sultation, sent by mail, to the twenty-five or more persons who
shall petition for the performance of the work, the said County
Commissioners shall appoint some person, or firm, by resolution,
entered on the records of the board, to supervise and inspect
the performance of the contract aforesaid, and who shall also
make out and sign the tax bills hereinafter provided for; and
the compensation to be paid such person or firm shall, with the
cost of the plans and specifications, incidental expenses, adver-
tising, condemnation and printing of tax bills, including com-
pensation to the Treasurer, and to the County Commissioner
representing the district of said County in which said district
of Silver Spring Park District is located of one-half of one per
cent, to each upon the amount of each contract, all to be ap-
proved by written order of the County Commissioners and shall
be included with the cost of the work in the special tax bills pro-
videod for hereafter. Provided that the authority hereby con-
ferred is limited with respect to the amount that may be charged
under this Act against any piece or parcel of property binding
or abutting on any sewer or water main and not more than one
hundred and fifty feet in depth, constructed hereunder, and
such charge shall not exceed the amount of fifty cents
a front foot by a depth of one hundred and fifty feet for water