known as Silver Spring Park, in Montgomery County, in and
for which the County Commissioners shall have power to
construct water mains and sewers, and extensions of both,
and to issue special tax bills in payment for the same, which
said bills shall become a lien on the property within said
district charged therewith, and to provide for maintenance
and use of said sewers and mains.''
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered, in order to
accomplish the purposes of this Act, to construct sewers and
water mains and extensions of both in the district of Silver
Spring Park, in said Montgomery County, as said district is de-
fined in this Act, to invite plans and specifications to be pre-
pared for such construction and extensions upon the deposit of
such sum of money by any person interested in such improve-
ments for the payment of the cost of such plans and specifica-
tions and to an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars
($500.00) or so much thereof as may be required by the County
Commissioners, the cost of said plans and specifications to be
charged to construction and included in the special tax bills
hereinafter provided for and the deposit refunded, in case the
County Commissioners shall proceed with said construction and
the issue of special tax bills as herein provided.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That after the preparation,
of such plans and specifications as the said County Commission-
ers may deem satisfactory, they shall advertise in such papers
published in said Cpunty, or elsewhere, for a period not exceed-
ing two publications in any one daily paper, or two publications
in papers issued in said County once a week, giving notice of the
pieces or parcels of property to be charged in any contract, with
the owners' names so far as the owners' names can be ascer-
tained by the County assessments or other information in the
Treasurer's office, inviting bids for the construction of said
water mains and sewers, or extensions thereof, and at some time
prior to the letting and accepting of any contract for such pur-
poses it shall be necessary for a petition to be filed in the office
of the County Commissioners, signed by at least twenty-five
(25) persons, who are taxpayers resident within the
limits of said district; and thereafter the County Commis-
sioners shall consider such bids as may be submitted, and shall
open all bids at one time that may be sent to them sealed, in the-
presence of the Treasurer of the County; and the County Com-