mains, or eighty cents a front foot for a depth of one
hundred and fifty feet for sewers and the charge shall be as-
sessed proportionately and upon all property in said Silver
Spring Park District binding or abutting on water mains or
sewers constructed hereunder, and if any piece or parcel of
ground binding or abutting on a main or sewer is more than one
hundred and fifty feet in depth it shall be regarded and charged
with reference to other sewers or mains constructed hereunder
as constituting another and separate piece or other and separate
pieces or parcels of property for the depth or depths of one hun-
dred and fifty feet, but no piece or parcel of ground shall be
charged under this Act unless it binds or abuts upon a street OF
road or right of way in which such sewer or main is constructed
and subject to the general regulations and charges for use, can
be served by such water main or sewer and where a corner lot
binds or abuts upon two streets or roads or rights of way which
contain sewers or water mains, the front feet shall be computed
for the purpose of the charges which may be imposed upon this
Act as one-half of the total number of front feet in such corner
lot measured on two sides and the part of any water main or
sewer so omitted as against a corner lot shall be charged to the
other pieces of property binding or abutting on the same. Pro-
vided, further, however, that the compensation to be allowed the
inspector, which shall not be in excess of the amount to be
agreed upon by the County Commissioners, after such confer-
ence aforesaid, may include the cost of plans and specifications.
It shall be the duty of the inspector to carefully observe the
progress of the work under the contract and report to the
County Commissioners from time to time ; and to represent and
faithfully protect the interest of the County Commissioners and
of the special taxpayers in said district during the performance
of any contract, and he may order when so authorized by writ-
ten order of the County Commissioners changes in the contract
and work, and County Commissioners shall have the power upon
the request of the inspector, or otherwise, to order the work sus-
pended if the contractor is in their judgment not performing
the same according to the plans and specifications or in a man-
ner that will not give the public service designed to be rendered
by the sewer or water mains or otherwise contracted for. And
at the completion of the work by the contractor the inspector
shall notify the County Commissioners that the work is com-
pleted. The County Commissioners shall thereupon give notice
to the persons who made the deposit aforesaid and the peti-
tioners, by mail, that they have been so notified by the inspec-