such other property, as may be necessary or useful
for carrying on the manufactory aforesaid.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said John
Berger, E. J. Hall, William Callow, H. H. Golds-
borough, Henry Gantz and R. Fowler, incorpora-
tors, or any two of them, be and are hereby ap-
pointed Commissioners, to receive subscriptions
and payments for shares in the capital stock of the
said corporation, and when in their opinion a suf-
ficient amount of the said capital stock shall have
been subscribed, to enable the said corporation to
commence operations, they shall convene a general
meeting of the stockholders, who shall at such
meeting, or at such time as they shall then and
there determine, elect by ballot in person or by
proxy, three Directors, who shall hold their office
for one year from the day of the election, and until
their successors shall be elected and enter upon the
duties of the office, and the said Directors, shall
elect from their own number a President, who
shall hold his office for one year, or until the elec-
tion of a new board of Directors of whom he is
not one.
to receive sub-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That at such election,
and at all meetings of the said stockholders each
share of the capital stock of the said corporation
shall entitle the holder of such share to one
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Direc-
tors shall manage the business of the said corpora-
tion, and shall have power to prescribe the evi-
dence of ownership, and transfer of shares of stock
in the said company, to provide for the appoint-
ment, employment, compensation and dismissal of
all such officers, agents, laborers, and servants as
they shall deem necessary, to provide for mak-
ing all contracts, agreements, and deeds in the
name, and on behalf of the corporation, and form-
ing the corporate seal thereof, and to make all
such by-laws, orders, and regulations, as shall be
necessary for the exercise and use of the powers
and privileges hereby given to the said corpora-
tion, and the same from time to time, to alter and
repeal the action of the said board of Directors
however, to be under and subject to the control of
To manage
the business of
said company.