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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 26   View pdf image
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ny : Second, The capital stock of the consolidated
company shall not exceed the aggregate sum of the
capitals of the companies to be consolidated: Third,
The Directors shall be of such number and glected
as may be provided by the by-laws of the consoli-
dated company, and the parties to the consolida-
tion shall have power to adapt the organization to
the requirements of enactments of the said'States:
Fourth, The preference given by the charter of the
company, to dispatches of the United States and
State of Maryland, shall remain unimpaired; and
provided, also, that the company, so consolidated,
shall have the , privileges and be subject to all the
provisions, regulations and restrictions contained
in the twenty-sixth Article of the Code of Public
General Laws of this State.

Record to be

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the consolidated
company shall make a full record of any agree-
ments and acts, heretofore made or done, or here-
after to be made and done, with reference to such
consolidation, which shall be certified by the Presi-
dent of the consolidated company, and transmitted
to the Governor of Maryland, and the same shall
then be recorded and preserved in the office of the
Secretary of State; a copy of which record, duly au-
thenticated, under the seal of the Secretary of State,
shall be evidence thereof in all courts of justice.

In force.

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.



Passed Feb.
8, 1865.

AN ACT to incorporate the McCullough Iron


WHEREAS, it is reported to this. General As-
sembly, that Jethro J. McCullough, Deleplaine
McDaniel, William K. McClees, Enoch McCul-
lough, William Scotten and Wickham B. Spear,
have for some time been associated under the pro-
visions of the Code of Public General Laws of this
State, for the manufacture, galvanizing and sale

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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 26   View pdf image
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