hereby authorized and empowered to take into con-
sideration and include with said division the lands
of said James D. Wilds, situated as aforesaid in
Maryland, and that the said Commissioners, or a
majority of them, or a majority of the survivors of
them, upon their proceedings being ratified by said
court of record, be and they are hereby author-
ized and empowered under the direction of said
court, to convey by deed executed according to the
laws of Maryland, the title to said, lands in Mary-
land, to the person or persons becoming entitled
thereto, whether by allotment, election or sale, in
as full and perfect manner, as if said Commission-
ers were Resident in Maryland and appointed by a
court in Maryland, having jurisdiction for the di-
vision and sale of said real estate.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted as aforesaid, That this
act shall take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to authorize the consolidation of the
Bankers' and Brokers' Telegraph Company with
the Companies of the same name in the States of
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.
Passed Feb.
10, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the stockholders of the Bank-
ers' and Brokers' Telegraph Company be and they
are hereby authorized, upon their accepting this
act, to carry out any stipulations and agreement
heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, for the
consolidation of the said company, with those of
the same name deriving their charters from the
States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York,
respectively, and with any of them, so as to con-
stitute one company, to be called "The Bankers'
and Brokers' Telegraph Company," subject, how-
ever, to the following provisions:. First, Such con-
solidation shall not affect the obligation or liens of
any contracts or engagements of the present compa-
to consolidate.