of iron, under the name of "The McCullough Iron
Company of Cecil County," and being now desi-
rous of extending their operations, think it neces-
sary to have corporate powers granted them by
this General Assembly; therefore,
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the said Jethro J. McCul-
lough, Deleplaine McDaniel, William K. McClees,
Wickham B. Spear, Enoch McCullough and Wil-
liam Scotten, their associates, successors and as-
signs, be and they hereby are created a body cor-
porate, by the name and style of "The McCul-
lough Iron Company," and by that name, shall
have perpetual succession, and shall be capable in
law to hold and dispose of property, real, personal
and mixed, fee simple, or leasehold, to sue and be
sued, to plead and be impleaded, and answer and
defend, and be answered and defended, in any
court of law or equity, and in any other place
whatsoever, to receive and make deeds and con-
tracts, to make, have and use a common seal, and
the same to change, alter and renew at pleasure, to
ordain and establish such by-laws, ordinances and
regulations, as may appear necessary for regula-
ting the concerns of said corporation, not being
contrary to this act, or to the Constitution and
Laws of this State, or of the United States, and
to do all such acts and things as shall be necessary
and proper, for the manufacture, galvanizing and
sale of iron and articles made therefrom.
. Incorporated.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all property,
real, personal and mixed, all stock ; rights and
credits, and all privileges of every description
owned, or exercised by, and all debts of every kind
owing to the said association, known as "The
McCullough Iron Company of Cecil County,"
shall, immediately upon the acceptance of this
act of incorporation, and organization thereunder,
become vested in the corporation hereby created,
as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same
were conveyed thereto by deed, and the, respective
interests of the several parties in and to said pro-
perty, stock, rights and credits, privileges and
debts, shall be the same as those held, owned and
possessed in the said, "The McCullough Iron
Company of Cecil County," and upon the accep-
Rights, &c.,
vested in cor-