E. Pentz, Margaret D. Barger, Margeret B. Rich-
ardson, Mary E, Crook, Miss Eliza E. Berry and
Mary D. Brown, and their successors, be and they
are declared a community, corporation and body
politic forever, by the name and title of the "Union
Orphan Asylum of Baltimore city," for maintain-
ing and educating children of deceased soldiers
and sailors of the State of Maryland, and by that
name they and their successors, shall and may at
all times hereafter, be capable in law to have,
receive and retain to them and their successors,
property, real and personal, and also devises or
bequests of any person or persons, bodies corpo-
rate or politic, capable of making the same, pro-
vided, that all real estate acquired by said corpo-
ration, by purchase or otherwise, shall be invested
in the name of the hereinafter mentioned Trustees;
and provided, also, that said corporation or body
politic shall not at any time hold or possess pro-
perty, real, personal or mixed, to exceed the sum
of one hundred thousand dollars.
May sue or
be sued.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpor-
ation and their successors by the name and title
aforesaid, shall be capable in law, to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be an-
swered unto, defend and be defended in all or any
Courts of Law and Equity, and before all or any
judges, officers or persons whatsoever, in action,
matter or demands.
Board of
Trustees —
their powers.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That Johns Hopkins,
Columbus O'Donnel, Thomas Swann, Thomas
Kelso, John Clark, Thomas Whitridge, Isaac P.
Cook, William Woodward, Alexander Turnbull,
Horace Abbott, Jesse Tyson, H. W. Robbins,
Alexander Butcher, Benjamin Deford, Robert
Turner, William Chesnut, John Lee Chapman,
William J. Albert and George Sanders, shall
form and constitute a Board of Trustees, to hold
in trust, all real estate acquired by said corpora-
tion or body politic either by purchase or other-
wise, with power to sell and convey the same or
any part thereof, provided, the proceeds of said
sale shall by said Trustees immediately be invested
in other property more suitable for the wants of
the said corporation or body politic, with full
power also, for said Trustees to fill all vacancies