AN ACT entitled, an act to enable Ruth & Co.
of Chestertown, Maryland, to occupy a portion
of the public laud on High street, in said town.
Passed Feb.
2, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Commissioners of Kent
county, it in their judgment and opinion the pub-
lic interest would not be injured thereby, are
hereby directed and empowered to enter into con-
tract with Thomas D. C. Ruth, Samuel W. Spen-
cer and Jesse K. Hines, partners doing busines in
canning and hermetically sealing peaches, oysters,
&c., in the name of Ruth & Co., and their succes-
sors; to occupy for the purpose of buildings and
yards, twenty feet of that part of High street in
said town, adjacent to and parallel with the lot
owned by Thomas D. C. Ruth, from the public
dock to the lower side of Water street, the said
ground to be used by them in their business ope-
rations, and whenever the same shall cease to be
used as aforesaid by them or their successors shall
revert to the public.
to enter into
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the same shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to incorporate the Union Orphan Asy-
lum of Baltimore.
Passed Feb.
1, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Mrs. Fanny Turnbull,
Henrietta T. Norris, Julia E. Sewall, Ann Church,
Annie M. Whitney, Maria Louisa Pratt, Elizabeth
P. Oudesluys, Catharine Hooper, Mary E. Rob-
bins, Elizabeth M. Turner, Laura M. Cook, Ann
P. Dukehart, Ann M. Brown, Rose Boggs, Anna
Boyd, Parthenia Getty, Margaret A. Townsend,
Hannah E. Garritee, Harriet E. Hinds, Sophia