Director for 1835 BRO
Brown George, carpenter, Canal st N of Orleans
Brown C. H.H. dry goods merchant, 173 1/2 Baltimorefst
Brown Alexander & Sons, merchants, 128 Baltimore st
Brown Robert, watchmaker and Jeweller, 168 1/2 Baltimore st
Brown Jesse, mate, Eden st N of Pitt
Brown Garret, dry goods store, Market st s of Alice Anna
Brown Perry, whitewasher, German st near Green
+Brown Mary, Carpenter's alley
+Brown Ann, Guilford alley near Light st
+Brown Anderson, carter, Columbia st between Eutaw & Paca
+Brown Jacob, Sugar alley
+Brown Perry, labourer, Guilford alley near Light st
+Brown Charlotte, Sugar alley
+Brown Edward, drayman, Oouglass st w of Forest
+Brown Joseph, blacksmith, Spring st N of Gough
+Brown Philip, waiter, Hull's lane N side w of Aisquith
+Brown Jacob, drayman, s Charles st extended
+Brown Catherine, Union st E of Penn. ar.
+Brown Henry, caulker, Strawberry alley w of Fleet st
+Brown Jeremiah, blacksmith, Saratoga st w of Cove
+Brown Stephen, labourer, Happy alley N of Lancaster st
+Brown Brisel, carter, Park lane w of Pearl st
+Brown Perry, labourer, Canal st s of Orleans
+Brown Thomas, huckster, Bond st n of Gough
+Brown Jane, Guilford alley near Charles st
+Brown Jas. carter, Necessity alley betw. Fxeter & Potter sts
+Brown Peter, Davis st near Bath
+Brown Ann, Aisquith st n of Thomson
+Brown James, 54 Park st
+Brown Isaac, labourer, 7 Lerew's alley
+Brown Mary, Eutaw st s of Conway
++Brown Edmund, Eutaw st opposite Barre
+Brown Wm. Bounty alley
+Brown Maria, Long alley s of New st
+Brown Thomas, carpenter, 41 Pearl st
+Brown Sarah, Wagon alley near Howard st
++Brown Andrew, Salisbury st w of Harford run
+Brown Thomas, carter, Strawberry alley n of Bank st
+Brown Othello, labourer, Low st w of Aisquith
+Brown Robert, caulker, Argyle alley s of Wilk st
+Brown Rachel huckster, Asbury st
+Brown Nancy, Cross st near Johnson
Browning Edward, firm Croxall and Browning, dw Ferry road
near Croxall and Browning's rope walk
Browning Ritson, refrigerator manufacturer, 2 Commerce st
dw Jackson st s side
Browning Wm. S. merchant, dw Paca st opposite Camden
store Pratt st w of Paca
Browning John H. hardware merchant, s e corner Thames
and Market sts