BUC Matchett's Baltimore
Browning Wm. S, hardware merchant, 139 Pratt st
Browning Ritson, carpenter, Exeter sts of Wilk
Browning Edward, rope maker; corner Light and Austen sts
Brownyard Caspar, cordwaiher, Penn. av. extended
Bruce James, moulder, Montgomery st near Charles
Bruce Robert, merchant, dw 107 Park st
+Brace Peter, hack driver, Salisbury alley e of Exeter st
++Bruce Edivard, gardner, 38 s Charles st
Bruff Mary, Paca st n of Carpenter alley
Bruff Thomas, ship carpenter,Corner Washington & Wilk sts
Bruff Wm. clerk, Pratt st 1 door e of Spring
Bruff John, ship carpenter, Wilk st w of Washington
Brundige James, commission merchant, over 68 Bowly's wharf
dw 85 Sharp st
Brundige Wm. dealer in oil, paints, drugs, glass, dye stuffs &
Chemicals, 23 Cheapside, dw Hanover st bet. Barre&Lee
Brune Frederick W. jr. attorney at law, 17 Lexington st
Brune Frederick VV. merchant, cor. Commerce and Pratt sts
dw Calvert st between Sar atoga and Pleasant
Bruner Daniel, 97 s Sharp st
Bruner John, Camden st near Howard
Bruner Elias, Briton st n w side
Bruner mrs Camden st near Howard
Braning Herman, cabinet maker, 7 Sharp st
Bruscup Thomas, tailor, Holland st e of Eden
Brushwellex Barbara, milkseller, Briton st n of the Lumber yard
Brushwilter Wm. cabinet maker, Briton st K of Monument
Bryan C. & Co. stove and sheei iron man. 41 s Calvert st
Bryan C. firm do dw York st near Light
Bryan Catherine, near s w corner Bond and Monument sts
Bryan John G.hardware merchant, nw cor Gay and Exeter sts
+Bryan Fanny, washer, Caroline st n of Pratt
Bryarly David, justice of the peace, Forest st n of Gay dw 76
Bryer Joseph, cooper, Lombard si near Light [High st
Bryson James, runner in U.S. bank, Hillen st e of Potter
Bryson E. A. engraver. 4 North st
Bryson Nathaniel G. justice of peace, Baltimore st e of High
dw s side Baltimore st w of the fun
Bryson Hugh, shoemaker, Orleans st e of Long lane
Buchanan Miss, 27 n Gay st
Buchanan J. M. attorney at law, Fayette st near St. Paul dur
St, Paul st n of Mulberry
Buchanan Ann, Zell alley n of Mulberry st
Buchanan miss Elizabeth, Fayette st betw. North and Calvert
Bucha John blacksmith, 42 Harrison st. dw 26.Front st
Buckwalter Abraham, tobacconist, Baltimore st dw Jefferson
row, Conway st
Buck John hardware merchant, dw High st S of Water
Buck & hardware merchants, Pratt dw High st
Exeter and Stiles st