SMI Matchett's Baltimore
Sleeper J. proprietor of Washington hotel, 4 n Gay st
Slemmer Christian, Pratt st w of Albemarle
Sleppy Jacob, carpenter, Pearl st n of Mulberry
Slicer William, 50 Sterling st
Slingluff C.D. & J. grocers, 15 n Howard st.; dw C. D. S.
Fayette st near Eutaw
Sliver Abram, soap and tallow chandler, 25 Constitution Ft
Sloan James, grocery and liquor store, Stillhouse st
Sloan John, sea captain, Aisquith st n of Orleans
Sloan John, clerk, 170 Hanover st
Sloffen Hannah, binder, 20 Sterling st
Small Cath. dry goods store, Pratt st bet Howard & Eutaw sts
Small John, sen. 146 Sharp st
Small Ellen, Smith's alley
Small Jesse, cordwainer, Jew alley n of Dutch
Small Agnes, 47 Pearl street
+Small George, porter, Cove st near Conway
+Small George, driver, Hamilton st
+Small Mingo, labourer, Long alley s of Saratoga st
Small Elizabeth, milliner, Pratt st 1 door e of Eden
Small John, carpenter, Lancaster st w of Market
Small Richard, sawyer, Forest st n of Douglass
Small col Jacob, Conway st near Hanover
Small John, watchman, 87 s Howard st
Smallvvood mrs Julia, Orleans st n side w of Canal st 1 door
Small wood Benjamin, labourer, German st near Green
+Smallwood David, drayman, Biddle alley w of Ross st
+Smiles George, labourer, Aisquith st s of Orleans
Smiley Robert, jr. cooper, 6 Grant st.; dw cor Grant & Water
Smiley Robert, &cn. cooper, 78 High st
Smiley Isaiah, drayman, Aisquith st n of Holland
Smiley William, grocer, Richmond st near Howard
Smith Samuel, artist, Hamilton rou, Hamilton st
Smith mrs. York sireet near Charles
Smith Samuel, Wagon alley near Park st
Smith mrs Eliza. grocer, Second st 4th door w of the Market
Smith gen. Samuel, Water st n side bet Gay and South
Smith John, music prin.ier, 8 Water st w of South
Smith Louisa, grocery and liquor store, lo w Pratt st
Smith Andrew, painter and glazier, 16 Cheapside
Smith mrs Ralph, 52 n Charles street
Smith mrs Sarah, 78 n Charles street
Smith mrs Lambert, n Charles st near Pleasant
Smith Matthew, Sharp st 2d door n of Lombard
Smith, firm Birchnell & Smilh, dw 35 Saratoga st
Smith Jacob, saddler, Pratt st w of Eutaw; dw Eutaw st n
Smith John, blacksmith, L Hughes st near Light [Conway
Smith John, coachmaker, cor Charles and Montgomery sts
Smilh John, stone mason, Chesnut alley w of Chatsworth st
Smith Jacob, labourer, w end Baltimore st s side