Director for 1835. SMI
Smith Robert H. & Co. grocers, n w cor Charles & Conway sts
Smith Martin, labourer, Armistead lane near Light st
Smith Sarah, Charles street 2 doors s of Conway
Smith Dr. Nathan R. 30 n Liberty street
Smith Philip, tavern, cor Liberty st and Cowpen alley
Smith Thomas, Eutaw street n of Lexington
Smith John, baker, 76 s Eutaw street
Smith Joseph, bricklayer, Loner alley s of Saratoga st
Smith David W. carpenter, Jefferson row, Conway st
Smith James, comb maker, Lunn's lane n of Conway st
Smith William, baker, Lunn's lane s of Paca st
Smith Jacob, firm Rau & Smith; dw Paca e side s of Ross
Smith Thomas, carpenter, dw Paca st n of Franklin
Smith Elizabeth, Paca st n of Franklin
Smith & Hyde, soap & candle factory, s w cor Paca & Fayette
Smith Thos. M. firm do.; dw Sharp st w of Lombard
Smith Andrew, painter, Paca st w of Green; shop Cheapside w
Smith John G. grocer, Camden st w of Eutaw [of Pratt st
Smith John, upholsterer, York st near Charles
Smith Cyrus, tailor, York street near Charles
Smith Solomon J. tailor, Fine st e side s of George
Smith Thomas, blacksmith, Montgomery st n of Light
Smith Eli, cooper, cor Pine st and Park lane; shop German w of
Smith Samuel R. Chatsworth st intersection of Cove [Pine
Smith Gideon B. Cove street extended
Smith Eli, blacksmith, 7 Cove street
Smith Stephen, sea captain, 4 York buildings, e Baltimore st
Smith Mary, East street n of Ensor
Smith miss Eliza H. dry goods store, 8 e Baltimore st
Smith James L. tailor, East street s of French
Smith William, labourer, Short alley
Smith Joseph, plasterer, East st n of Douglass
Smith John, carpenter, Low st bet High and Front
Smith James, carpenter, Water street near Bond
Smith Samuel C. grocer, s e cor Water and Albemarle sts
Smith Charles, labourer, Granby st 5th door e of falls
Smith mrs Mary, 66 Exeter street
Smith James, tobacconist, 15 Gough street
Smith Richard, shoemaker, Thames st e of Market
Smith Ephraim, Bank st e of Market
Smith George, tobacconist, Orleans st e of Long lane
Smith Moses, Gay street e of Forest
Smith Samuel, shoe store, cor Penn av and Franklin st
Smith Lewis, clerk in Marine Bank, Front st near Pitt
Smith mrs Margaret, Penn av. n of Franklin st
Smith Jacob, jr. lumber merchant, 43 Front st
Smith mrs Catherine, Penn av s of Preston st
Smith mrs Ellen, weaver, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Smith Joseph, bricklayer, Mulberry st e of Pine
Smith Eli, blacksmith, Saratoga st e of Cove