Director for 1835. SLE
Singer George, watchmaker, Fayette st near Charles
+Singer Henrv, cabinet maker, Holland st w of Harford run
Singleton C. F. & R. com mts. 82 Bowly's whf; dw C. F. S.
Courtland st n of Mulberry
Singleton Elizabeth, n w cor Gay and Fayette sts
Sinners E. R. proprietor of Tammany Hall hotel. Water st
between Gay and South sts
Sinsney Frederick, victualler, Hampstead st
Sinton Nathaniel, grocer, 118 Ensor st
Sipes Peter, cordwainer, Cove st extended
Sipple mrs. 18 Mercer st
Sirata V. hat manufacturer, 112 Baltimore st. See adv
Sisco Charles, coach maker, 18 Park st
Sisselberger Margaret, Tyson alley
Sitler Morris, confectioner, 66 w Pratt st near Hanover
Sitler Mary, dress maker, Green st n of Mulberry
Sitley mrs. Busy alley
Skepper Isabella, nurse, 68 Exeter street
Skilling William, engraver, 20i Baltimore st
Skillman Robert, chair maker, 32 Hanover st
Skillman Charles, 19 Fleet st
Skinner Dr. D.H. s w corner Lee and Hanover sts
Skinner Samuel P. teacher, 32 Holliday st
Skinner John S. postmaster of Baltimore; dw 46 n Charles st
Skinner Sarah, 10 Barnet st
Skinner rev. Otis A. pastor Universalist Church, 67 Lombard
Skinner Zachariah, ship carpenter, York st near William
Skinner Robert, last and boot-tree maker, and finding store,
n e corner Calvert and Water sts
Skinner Benjamin, labourer, Britlon st s w of Neighbour
Skinner Wm. ship carpenter, Armistend !ane, Montgomery
Skipper Micajah, carter, Front st s of Hillen [st near Light
Slack William B. 98 s Sharp street
Slack Andrew, mail carrier, George st w of Penn av
Slade Lewis, hack owner, 14 Fleet st
Slade miss Jemima, 33 Fayette st
Slane Francis, carter, Neighbour st s side foot of G Hill
Slaney John, tinner & gas metre manufact., Mechanic's alley
Slaughter James M, com ml 79 Bowly's wharf; dw Conway
st between Charles and Hanover
Slate George, stage driver, Mulberry st near Park
Slater Robert, pork butcher, Gistst n side Laudenslager's hill
Slater Henry, brushmaker, 37 Market st
Slater John, victualler, Hampstead st
Slater William, corner Madison st and Lerew's alley
Slater James, bacon mt. cor Bond and Gough sts
Slater Geo. grocery and liquor store, Lexington st e of Paca
Slaysman Alexander, plasterer, 21 Sterling st
Slaysman mrs Mary, York avenue
Sleeger Daniel, printer, Temple st near Baltimore