SIN Matchett's Baltimore
Silverthorn mrs Julia Ann, tutoress, 45i High st
Silvey Hester, tailoress, French st
Simmering Christian, tobacconist, 70 1/2 Lexington st.; dw
Franklin st e of Chatsworth
Simmonds John A. justice of peace, 270 Baltimore st.; dw
280 Baltimore st
Simmonds mrs. tutoress, Saratoga st near Park
Simmons mrs Mary, 7 York avenue
Simmons mrs Mary, Bank st w of Exeter
Simmons Joseph, cigar maker, 34 n Charles st
Simmons John, carpenter, Potter st n of Douglass
Simmons Stephen, seaman, 44 Alice Anna st
Simms Joseph, copper, tin, sheet iron ware and stove manu-
factory, cor Light and Lombard sts.; dw Pratt 3 doois
e of Sharp st
Simms Robert, carpenter, Pearl st s of Fayette
+Simms Rhoda, washer, Spring st n of Baltimore
+Simms Rhoda, Light st near Hamburg st
Simon Chas, dry goods mt. 53 n Howard st
Simond Andrew, machinist, 15 Monument st
Simonig John, clerk, 72 s Howard st
Simons Ann, shop keeper, Wolf st s of Fleet
Simonson John, chair maker, 11 w Pratt st
Simonson Charles P. chair maker, Lombard st near Light
Simonton George, shoemaker, Wilk st e of Wolf
Simpf Albert F. seaman, Shakspear st e of Bond
Simpson Wm. coachmaker, Holliday st n of Saratoga
Simpson John, rigger, Ann st s of Fleet
Simpson Wm. coachmaker, Calvert st s of Pleasant
Simpson Joseph, lapidary. Front st s of Low
Simpson John K. 28 Light st
Simpson mps Ann, Exeter st s of French
Simpson John R. tailor, Hillen st w of High
Simpson John, weaver, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Simpson John, weaver, Freedom st n of Peirce
Simpson Wm. seaman, Mechanic's alley n side
Simpson Walter, 125 Aisquith st
+Simpson Robert, brickmaker, Asbury st
+Simpson Hugh, nailor, Aisquith st s of Douglass
Sinclair & Moore, plough and soed store, 60 Light st
Sinclair Robert, jr. seed store, 60 Light st.; dw n e cor Eu-
taw and Monument sts
Sinclair John, blacksmith Chatsworth st n ofFranklin
Sinclair Cyrus, pump and block maker, Fawn st e of High
Sinclair Matt, stone cutter, Chesnut alley w of Chatsworth st
Sinclair Alien, seamtress, n e cor Fleet and Wolf sts
Sinclair mrs Mary, Fountain st near Washington
Sindall Samuel, dry goods mt. 51 Baltimore st [Water Sts
Sindall Joshua, deputy keeper penitentiary, s e cor High &
Sine Frederick, blacksmith, 32 Block st