Director far 1835. MCK
McHenry James, painter, corner Paca & New sts
McHenry Neale, Preston st w of Ross
McHenry Ramsey, Lexington st e of Cove
McHenry Matthew, Fayette st e of Pine
McHong Elisha, fisher, Cross st near William
McIlheny Jno. grocer, 20 n Liberty st
McIlhenny Jno. labourer, Holiday st n of Bath
McIlear Mary, grocer, Holiday st n of Bath
McIlroy Joseph, grocer, Holiday st near Bath
McIlroy Sarah, widow, seamstress, Hull's line e of Forrest st
McIlroy mrs Elizabeth, milliner, 33 Baltimore st
McIntire Saml, corner Mulberry st & Eagtr alley
McIntosh Alex'r. Gough st e of Market
McInson Jno. labourer, Wilk stw of Canal
McIntine Jane, widow, Granby st w of the run
McJilton Dl. superintendent of Chimnies, Rock st s of Sun-
McJilton Jno. F. 86 Pitt st [toga
McKanna, Pat. & Co. grocers, 157 Pratt st
McKay miss Johanna, tutoress, George st e of Pine
McKean John, 15 McClellan st [Aisquith
McKee Patrick, bootmaker, Orleans st n side 2 doors e of
McKee & Lough, dry goods mts. 125 Baltimore st
McKee & Brown, importers of dry goods, 151 Baltimore st
McKee And'w. cow dealer, Potter st n of Hillen
McKee & McClellan, china & glass mts. 218 Baltimore st
McKeever Capt. I. of U. S. Navy, s w corner St. Paul's and
Mulberry st [Fayette sts
McKeever Jno. grocery and liquor store, corner Pine and
McKelden Wm. grocer, J17 Pratt st
McKell James, machinest, Thames st s of Stiles
McKendrean Female Sabbath school, Lombard st between
Paca and Eutaw
McKenny Arthur, carter, Davis st n of Bath
McKenny Wm. Franklin st near Howard
McKenzie James, hair dresser, 131 Saratoga at
McKewen A. grocer, s e corner Charles and Lombard sts
McKewen John, 44 Park st
McKillrick Philip, turner, n w corner Stiles and High su
McKim's (Isaac) school house, n w corner Baltimore and
Aisquith sts [and Frederick st§
McKim Jno. jr. & Sons, copper warehouse, n w corner Pratt
McKim David, Holliday st corner Orange alley
McKim & Brothers, hardware mts. 248 Baltimore st
McKim Isaac, copper store, 42 S. Gay st dw E. Baltimore st
4th house e of Exeter
McKim Wm. 22 Holiday st [byterian church
McKim William D., E. Baltimore st 1st house ur of 2nd Pres-
McKim John, jr. mt. dw 22 Holiday st
McKim mrs. n w corner Aisquith and Douglass sts
McKim Alex. mt. Courtltnd st 4 doors n of Mulberry