MCM Matchett's Baltimore
McKim -Robert, Eager alley, near Saratoga st
McKim's Free School, n w corner Baltimore and Canal sts
McKim Jno. S. Franklin st near Cathedral [Comet st
McKiniy Thos, broom dealer, over 12 Bowley's wharf dw 11
McKinley Samuel, vocal music teacher, Mulberry st e of Pine
McKinley Margaret, Freedom st s of Pierce
McKinley, Wm. brickmaker, S. Charles st extended
McKinley Jno. brickmaker, West st
McKiniy Wm. cab. mak. Britton st n e of Montgomery
McKinnel James, Penn Av. n of Union st
McKinnel mrs. 29 Lexington st
McKinnel H. firm Wm. Henry & Co.dw Fayette st near Cove
McKinney Wm. N. grocer, n e corner Lexington and Eutaw
sts. dw Franklin, near Howard
McKinney Wm. grocer, Charles st near Lee
McKinnon Mary, Mulberry st near Park
McKirby mrs. Isabella, 13 Fleet st
McKnight Jas. clerk, I Saratoga st
McKnight James, type founder, York near Chariest st
McLane Susan, n w corner Canal and Montgomery sts
McLane Jacob, blacksmith, Armistead lane
McLane Jno. blacksmith, Fawn st e of High
McLarchy James, weaver, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
McLarney Patrick, drayman, Canal st s of Gough
McLaughlin & Smilh, grocers, 82 McElderry's wharf
McLaughlin Jno. blacksmith, Ross st e of Paca
McLaughlin mrs. Ann, North st 1 door n of Pleasant
McLaughlin Ann, St. Mary's st s of Ross
McLaughlin Irvin, huckster, Pearl sts of Mulberry
McLaughlin mrs Ellen, Jefferson w of Canal st
McLaughlin Mary, 122 N. Eutaw st
McLaughlin Levin, sawyer, iSalisbury alley, e of Exeter st
McLaughlin Thomas J. Charles st near Lee
McLaughlin George, shoemaker, 51 Front st
McLean Elias, tavern keeper, 59 W. Pratt st
McLean Jno. Caroline st n of Baltimore [the basin
McLean John, blacksmith, Patterson st between Pratt stand
McLean Elias, block and pump maker, Patterson st between
Pratt st and the basin
McLean Cornelius, attorney at law, Pratt st 1 door e of Exeter
McLean Arthur, painter, 7 Stiles st
McLean Jane, grocer, s w corner Wilk and Ann sts
McLean James, grocer, Ensor st n e of Monument
McLeavy & Lawless, inn keepers, Lexington st e of Paca
McLeavy James, labourer, Star alley s of Wilk st
McLenahan James, bricklayer, corner Orleans & Caroline sts
McLennon Jno. cordwainer, Saratoga st w of Eutaw
McMaccan Andrew, carpenter, Ross st e of Paca
McMachin James, drayman, Tyson alley
McMahon James, carpenter, 77 Harrison st