MCG Matchett's Baltimore
McFaggot James, labourer, Harford road n e side
McFawl John, cordwainer, Howard st near Richmond
McFerran Jane, bakery, 5 Second st
McGalland David, liquor store, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
McGannigal John, labourer, between Ensor and Sterling sts
E side Ensor
McGarraty Jno. moulder, Calvert st bet. Mulberry & Franklin
McGarraty James, Davis st near Pleasant
McGarraty Barney, do do
McGee James, grocer, corner Starr alley and Fleet st
McGee James, tavern keeper, Canton
McGee mrs Mary, 48 Fleet st
McGeoch Andrew, carpenter, Maiden lane w of Aisquith st
++McGill Sarah, washer, German st near Cove
McGinn Barney, carter, corner Wilk st and Happy alley
McGinn Michael, carter, wilk st e of Bond
McGinnes Richard, cordwainer, Pine st w side s of Mulberry
McGinnes Ellen, fancy dress maker, 15 Saratoga st
McGinnes John, tailor, Aisquith st n of Jefferson
McGinnes Susannah, tavern and boarding house, Wolf st n of
McGinn is Patrick, pedlar, 96 n Eutaw st [Fell
McGinnity O. tavern keeper, 11 Water st
McGinnity Felix, labourer, Holliday st n of Bath
McGivern Edmund, car driver, Ross st e of Paca
McGlennen Dsnnis, watchman, Penn avenue N of Franklin st
McGlue Edward, plasterer, Chesnut alley w of Pine st
McGlone George, labourer, Eager alley near Saratoga st
McGourt John, stone mason, Stiles st w of Gough
McGowan John, grocer, Paca st s of Lexington
McGowan Andrew, grocer, corner Comet & Aisquith sts
McGowan James, labourer, Cove st n of Saratoga
McGowan Hugh, grocer, Eutaw near Lexington st
McGowan Andrew, grocer, Pitt st 5 doors w of Aisquith
Mcgowan Hugh, huckster, Peirce st E of Cove
Mcgoy Robert, drayman, Columbia st betw. Sharp & Howard
McGrauh John, grocer, 23S N Howard st
McGraver Thomas, corner Front &, French sts
McGraw Edward, grocery & liquor store, 110 Dugan's wharf
McGreeavy Jno. A. accountant Commmercial & Farmers'
Bank, 143 n Eutaw st
McGregor Geo. patent lever lock manufacturer, Grant near
Baltimore st dw centre e of St. Paul's st
McGreigan John, liquor store, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
McGuffin James, labourer, Preston st w of Ross
McGuire John, shop keeper, Jackson st s side
McGuire Patrick, shoe maker, 29 Constitution st
McGuire Henry, ———-, Camden st near Sharp in rear
McGuire James, second hand store, East st n of Pitt
McGurk Peter, labourer, Park lane extended
McGwinny mrs. n Calrert st 3 doors n of Saratoga